Analogue comes from the ancient greek word Analogos which means using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity. The word can refer to something that is analogous (as in an analog organ), but it is most often used to distinguish analog electronics from digital electronics like an analog computer or an analog clock.
It all started when a young boy decided he wants to achieve great things in life. Make a huge contribution to the IT world that can reshape the business for those who think and dream. While aiming for the star, he knew his time would come soon. He looked at his Analog watch and thought.. Maybe I can give my customer with an Ultimate Experience naming his dream company Analogue.
Like our name, our ambition is to visualize your business with an interior analogue to an exterior world.
With this vision, Analogue Incorporate plans to bring you astonishing services in different business sectors. From Men’s Luxury fashion to Branding your company, software development to eCommerce service, we Analogue have a variety of projects under our wings providing our nation one stop solution with ambition to shape the future for the coming generation.